Chartered Physiotherapy Advice
Fighting Fit Physiotherapy clinic remains open in the face of COVID-19 because:
As a frontline healthcare worker, the government have confirmed that we are needed to address healthcare issues
The advice that we have received from Public Health England and from our professional body is that as long as take the necessary steps, we are safe to treat
The necessary steps include:
1. Advising patients that we are still open
2. Asking patients via phone/email or message to alert us if they, or a member of their household, have been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days so that we can follow government guidelines
3. Making sure that everyone (patients and visitors) to use alcohol gel on entering the premises and have a sink and hand wash available if people would rather use soap
4. As per Usual clinic cleaning process disinfecting all equipment including couches between patients
5. providing washing equipment including soaps hand gel
6. Posters and signs to reminding everyone not to touch their face with dirty hands
If you require any further information regarding you and your treatment please don’t hesitate to contact us.